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shop online

Welcome to Valley Custom Cutting's online Store!

Orders placed will be made as soon as we can. You will get emailed notifications telling you your order status. As soon as you get the email saying the order is ready, you can come anytime during business hours.



At Valley we only serve the best Local and Canadian Beef we can source.

Our Local beef is always used for our Ground Beef and Hamburger Patties. We also sell sides, 1/4's or 1/2 Beef from the best local producers in this area. If you are looking for bulk local beef, contact the shop.

Our steaks, roasts, stew, stir fry etc. is all from Canadian beef farmers primarily from Alberta or Southern Ontario. We start at AAA at Valley and go up from there. AAA is a minimum standard here.



NOTE: Gift Cards can ONLY be used in store.

We are more than happy to take your order over the phone and add your gift card.

Happy Shopping


We have a few different ways that you can place an order:


Online: Using our online shop below

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